Clarke county va police reports. Virginia Department of Forestry.
Clarke county va police reports Clarke County’s Victim Witness Program is located within the Commonwealth’s Attorney office and is funded by a Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services grant. The next Commonwealth’s Attorney will be named in August and serve until a special election is held. The awards are presented annually by the Top of Virginia Regional Chamber to recognize public safety personnel and ordinary citizens who go above and beyond to ensure others’ safety. The office is also responsible for street addressing system throughout Clarke County. Clarke County, VA Home Menu. Planning. Its mission is to empower communities to serve youth. Unless otherwise directed in the employment listing, send completed Clarke County Employment Application to: Clarke County Government, Attn: County Administration, 101 Chalmers Ct. Security Surveys of Homes & Businesses. Clarke County Emergency Operations Plan; Volunteer Companies; Government Holidays; Health Department; Human Resources Clarke County, VA Home Menu. 7. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Feb 12, 2025 · The following will open at 11:00am today: Clarke County Government Offices; Clarke County Parks & Recreation Center; Clarke County Social Services The Planning Department is located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (second floor) at 101 Chalmers Ct. Hours: 8:30 a. Mar 27, 2024 · Visit. Williams applied for a judgeship when a vacancy was announced earlier this year. Fax number is (540) 955-1154. Towns. The Office of Children’s Services (OCS) oversees Clarke County’s administration of the program. gov Clarke County Criminal Records To report an incident regarding a dog anywhere in the Clarke County, including Berryville, contact the Emergency Communications Center at (540) 955-1234. 11,173 likes · 5 talking about this · 53 were here. Monday through Friday Fax: (540) 955-3958. You will likely need to provide information such as the report number, your name, drivers license number, vehicle plate number, the date/time of accident, location of accident, who was involved in the accident, your mailing address, phone number, and email. ” Send or deliver to Clarke County Treasurer’s To register a vehicle in Clarke County, the vehicle owner must first go to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and change the address and “garage jurisdiction. Links to national and state agencies that deal with emergency management, emergency response, and homeland security preparedness are also provided below. Clarke County Emergency Operations Plan; Volunteer Companies; Government Holidays; Health Department; Human Resources The Industrial Development Authority seven-member Board of Directors is appointed by the Board of Supervisors to serve four-year terms. The ECC operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. CONTACT 540. Go The County Administrator is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator who ensures the government complies with Title II and investigates any related complaints. 2-4901 (1950, as amended and the Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act Chapter 49, Title 15. Leea Shirley, vice chair and Virginia Department of Health representative; Jerry Stollings, chair and Court Services representative; CPMT meetings are from 2 to 4 p. VDOT, in cooperation with the County, plans for transportation improvements. — at the Clarke County Health Department. Health Department; Human Resources; Sheriff and Police Chief Address Social Unrest and Law Enforcement. , Boyce. Circuit Court also hears cases on appeal from the General District and Juvenile & Domestic Relations courts. All meetings are open to the public. Jan. , Berryville VA 22611, located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center. The Berryville Police Department, located in Berryville, Virginia, is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the community. For more information contact: The Fire, EMS & Emergency Management office is responsible for creating and managing the framework within Clarke County government, including its official Emergency Operation Plan (updated May 2023). Text-to-911 is intended for individuals who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, or have speech disabilities; individuals who are in situations where it is not safe to place a voice call to 911; and/or individuals who are Winter Weather Updates for Dec. , Berryville, (540) 955-1033 Town of Berryville government offices, located within the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center at 101 Chalmers Ct. The Department, led by Chief Neal White, received official accreditation from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services and the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Committee. , Berryville, VA 22611 (540) 955-5175; cmarsten@clarkecounty. About Berryville Police Department. The Emergency Communications Center is responsible for around-the-clock dispatch of emergency (911) and non-emergency (540-955-1234) calls. ” Vehicle registration must say Berryville, Boyce, or Clarke County. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Visit. Dec 15, 2021 · The Berryville Police Department was recognized by Town Council during its Dec. Stray Cats. Employment About the Sheriff; Annual Reports; Crime Prevention & Awareness; Contact the Building Department at (540) 955-5112 • Clarke County Senior Center, 225 Al Smith Circle, Berryville, (540) 955-3572 • Virginia Department of Health Clarke County Office, 100 N. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard to consider action on the following item: How to Find Police Records in Clarke County, Virginia in 2024. gov FOIA requests for Constitutional Offices should be directed to: Clarke County Circuit Court Clerk April Wilkerson 102 N. Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is responsible for all other road signs such as stop signs, yield signs, speed limit signs, highway signs, etc. Call (540) 955-5112. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Dispatchers will ask for details about the dog and send Sheriff’s Deputies. If you receive a “No Results Found” message, contact the Clarke County Planning Department for general assistance at 540-955-5177, ateetor@clarkecounty. • Clarke Animal Shelter CLOSES at 2 p. To Enforce Collection of Delinquent Tax Bills Clarke County also has an Economic Development Advisory Committee. The county has a tourism office and designated website, where you can begin your visit. Office Administration. Sarita Emmons Family Services Supervisor (540) 955-5167 sarita. Clarke County Surplus Clarke County Procurement is responsible for disposing of items that are no longer needed by the county. S. Church St. The accreditation process took Clarke County Architectural Historian (540) 955-1231 maral@mkalbian. 2022 DRAFT Battle of Berryville: Military Terrain Analysis & Historic Context Study 2021 Historic Districts 2018 Historic Resources Plan 2017 Clarke County Driving Tour Criminal Records in Clarke County (Virginia) Search Clarke County, VA criminal records with our directory. Clarke Hires Michelle Ridings Brown as its Economic Development & Tourism Director. Return to full list >> Text-to-911 technology is available in Clarke County so people who are unable to speak can use cellphones to reach 911 dispatchers. Dec 6, 2024 · Submit your appeals to: Clarke County Reassessment Office, P. Livestock. Clarke County Sheriff’s Deputies handle cattle, horses, and other livestock that have wandered into roadways. Clarke Animal Shelter staff and Clarke County Sheriff’s Deputies do not pick up or trap feral and stray cats. State. Monday through Friday Visit. in Berryville, Va. 6 and expects to open at noon, Jan. Employment About the Sheriff; Annual Reports; Crime Prevention & Awareness; Contact the Building Department at (540) 955-5112 Sep 5, 2023 · Supervisors Ask State to Declare Agricultural Drought Disaster in Clarke. Clarke County advertised a request for proposals in 2021 and awarded the contract to Rhodeside & Harwell (RHI), a landscape architecture and Ordinances Committee meetings are scheduled as needed and held in the second-floor meeting space of the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center located at 101 Chalmers Ct. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Jul 15, 2022 · BERRYVILLE, VA (July 15, 2022) After a months-long process in which a search committee reviewed 70 applications and extensively interviewed the top candidates, Clarke County has hired Wayne Whetsell to be its Director of Fire, EMS & Emergency Management. Operational Efficiency. Clarke Animal Shelter staff and Clarke County For information, contact Clarke County Parks and Recreation at (540) 955-5140. state. Go The “courthouse green” is a 2. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 To report an incident regarding a dog anywhere in the Clarke County, including Berryville, contact the Emergency Communications Center at (540) 955-1234. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Jan 16, 2025 · Clarke County Treasurer's Office Partners with Virginia Auction Company, Inc. The department's divisions include Patrol and Criminal Investigations, and its officers are dedicated to upholding the law and protecting the rights of citizens. 26, 2024, at 10 a. No service of any kind is furnished by Clarke County. Access police report requests, background checks, and more. Circuit Court handles all chancery, common law, and criminal matters for Clarke County and its towns. Clarke County Sheriff’s deputies patrol county roads, control traffic, investigate crimes, escort prisoners, provide courthouse and courtroom security, and serve legal documents. ” This can also be done online. 2 – Adapt • Being in the know about weather, road hazards, and emergency alerts helps everyone stay ready. VA Absentee Ballot Application An Absentee Ballot application must be submitted for each election in which a resident wishes to vote by To register a vehicle in Clarke County (or remove it from county records), the owner must first go to a Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles office and change the address and “garage jurisdiction. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Clarke is one of eight counties in the Shenandoah Valley to share a $95 million grant for rural broadband infrastructure. Virginia’s OCS created this “CSA Family Guide” video. It is also open 8:30 a. Building Department; Calendar; Children’s Services Act; Code of Clarke County; Commissioner of the Revenue; Court System; Courthouse Green Master Plan Project; Economic Development; Fire, EMS & Emergency Management. The Town of Berryville has its own Police Department. on the second Friday of every month in the second-floor meeting space ofthe Berryville-Clarke County Government Center located at 101 Chalmers Ct. Virginia Department of Forestry. Providing Law Enforcement, Civil Process and Court Security to Clarke County, Virginia If you receive a “No Results Found” message, contact the Clarke County Planning Department for general assistance at 540-955-5177, ateetor@clarkecounty. Sep 5, 2023 · Free COVID-19 vaccination s are available for ages 6 months and up Monday through Friday — 9 to 11 a. Find public criminal records, perform searches, and get criminal history reports from official sources. Their duties include appointing and training poll workers, choosing polling places, printing ballots, administration of absentee ballots, maintaining financial reports of candidates, ascertaining the results of elections, and organizing election procedures. For updates on the project in Clarke County visit our broadband page. 14 meeting for a few good reasons. Buckmarsh St. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611. Click “All Points Broadband” for more information. , Berryville, VA 22611 Clarke County, VA Home Menu. Clarke County reserves the right to withdraw items being offered. Make checks payable to “Clarke County, VA Treasurer. Call the Clarke County office at (540 A conservation easement is a voluntary agreement negotiated between a landowner and a public agency or charitable conservation organization in which the landowner agrees to place specific restrictions on the use and development of his or her property in exchange for payment and various income and estate tax benefits. to 7 p. Douglas Shaffer Building Inspector dshaffer Text-to-911 technology is available in Clarke County so people who are unable to speak can use cellphones to reach 911 dispatchers. Explore Clarke County's Arrest Records, Criminal Records, Court Records, and Vital Records access. Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. The scope of this review project was limited Clarke County Library is located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (first floor) at 101 Chalmers Ct. 1, 2024. us. Search. “Tony” Roper will formally announce his forthcoming retirement during a brief event at 4 p. Our resources link you to official websites and search portals for accurate, current information. No appointment necessary. Go Committee meetings are scheduled as needed and held in the second-floor meeting space of the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center located at 101 Chalmers Ct. gov Find commonly used services using the links at left. To request records from Clarke County contact: Catherine Marsten, Clarke County Administration 101 Chalmers Ct. m. All Points Broadband is currently working on fiber construction. Documents • Business Intersection Area Plans (summary) Clarke County Department of Social Services ; Clarke County Virginia Cooperative Extension Office (4-H, family and consumer sciences, financial and educational programs, agricultural services) Clarke-Frederick-Winchester Foster Care (provides safe, nurturing environments for children) FISH of Clarke County (food pantry, thrift store, financial Mar 25, 2024 · The Clarke County Commonwealth’s Attorney prosecutes criminal cases for the Commonwealth of Virginia, Clarke County, and Town of Berryville. on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the second-floor meeting space of the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (101 Chalmers Ct. Monday through Friday (closed daily noon to 1 p. Box 537, Berryville, VA 22611. Text-to-911 is intended for individuals who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, or have speech disabilities; individuals who are in situations where it is not safe to place a voice call to 911; and/or individuals who are incapable of speaking because of a medical emergency Current Openings. Learn about key county departments such as the Sheriff’s Office, Court House, and County Clerk’s Office Arrest Records in Clarke County (Virginia) Access Clarke County's arrest records through our directory. Clarke is one of eight counties in the Shenandoah Valley to share a $95 million grant for rural broadband infrastructure. Clarke County Police Department: 101 Chalmers Ct, Berryville, VA 22611; Boyce Police Department: 9 S Greenway Ave, Boyce, VA 22620; Please note that the above list includes the main police departments in Clarke County, Virginia. to 4 p. COVID-19 News in Clarke County as of Sept. on the two Saturdays before each election for early voting. The Commonwealth’s Attorney for the 26th Judicial Circuit of Virginia prosecutes criminal cases for the Commonwealth of Virginia, the County of Clarke and Town of Berryville. Office Manager Janine Rose (540) 955-5152 jrose@clarkecounty. O. The County Administration office is in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (second floor) located at 101 Chalmers Ct. virginia. Follow all posted parking signs and abide by all The Maintenance Department also manages the Clarke County Convenience Center for household trash. Hours 10 a. Founded: 1836 Named for: George Rogers Clark Seat: Berryville Largest town: Berryville The Fire, EMS & Emergency Management department is located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (first floor) at 101 Chalmers Ct. Discounts apply to Clarke County residents and senior citizens. gov. The office also promotes tourism and maintains experienceclarkecounty. Berryville-Clarke County Government Center 101 Chalmers Ct. The Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division is made up of two patrol sergeants, six patrol deputies and two traffic enforcement deputies. Virginia Department of Transportation VDOT builds, maintains, and operates roads, bridges, and tunnels in the Commonwealth. For all inquiries, please call (540) 955-5132. Hours Feb 26, 2024 · The Clarke County Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a Public Hearing in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center main meeting room, 101 Chalmers Ct. Office (540) 955-5144 ccl@handleyregional. Commonwealth of Virginia official website. Backed by data-driven analysis, the Sheriff’s Office will continue to make traffic enforcement a top priority, focusing on improving roadway safety and addressing community concerns. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Clarke County Sheriff's Office Tony Roper, Sheriff Berryville-Clarke County Government Center 101 Chalmers Ct. , may set different holidays hours. Commonwealth’s Attorney is an Board of Zoning Appeals meetings are scheduled as needed and held in the second-floor meeting space of the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center located at 101 Chalmers Ct. Please call Clarke County Department of Social Services for more information regarding its programs or services, or apply online. gov/jobs/ Find information about Clarke County, Virginia Police Job Recruitment including police and sheriff jobs, public safety officer careers, and field training programs. 3-acre property on North Church Street in Berryville — the county seat — that includes Circuit Court, General District Court, and the Clarke County Sheriff’s Office. Registration requires a completed registration packet, the child’s original birth certificate, a copy of the child’s immunization record, and a copy of the child’s complete school physical examination. , Berryville, Va. As of the 2020 census, the population was 14,783. emmons1@dss. Clarke County Emergency Operations Plan; Volunteer Companies; Government Holidays; Health Department; Human Resources Visit. Post Date: 12/22/2022 8:00 AM 12/22/2022 8:00 AM Find online mapping and online payment options using the links at left. org (540) 955-5178 (fax) Clarke County Branch Manager Alison Waddell (540) 955-5190 Jun 14, 2024 · Clarke County Office of Elections is open 8:30 a. Report errors and/or omissions to gis@clarkecounty. gov or the Clarke County Health Department, with technical questions at 540-955-1033. Find local, police, and federal arrest records easily. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 The Clarke County Government has gathered information about preparing your family for both natural and terrorist disasters and emergencies. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests can be made during office hours. Clarke Animal Shelter staff and Clarke County Child care registration packets are available at the Clarke County Recreation Center (225 Al Smith Circle, Berryville). 5100 info@clarkecounty. 22, 2022. 🔍🚔 Traffic-related complaints remain the most frequent concern reported to our office. Andrew Weatherholt Payments are also accepted at the county’s drive-thru kiosk located on the west side of the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center, or mail tax payments to Clarke County Treasurer, P. By doing so, ECC operators will know how to respond should a passerby call 911 to report a fire, and ECC will know where outdoor burning is taking place should the fire get out of control. com . Call In no event shall Clarke County government be liable for any damages, including loss of data, lost profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss that might arise from the use of this site or the information it contains. CONNECT. gov (please make sure to include your "map number"). Daily rates and season passes depend on age and residency. Its county seat is Berryville. Clarke County Circuit Court is located at 102 N. com. One way is to visit the official website of the Clarke County Sheriff's Office. Clarke County will not ship any items. The Sheriff’s Office is accredited by the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission, and it is a member of the Northwest Virginia Regional Drug Discover Clarke County, VA police records including arrest records, criminal history, and accident reports. Maintenance of private roads is the responsibility of property owners. In your appeal, you may include a letter, an appraisal, pictures, or any other information that you would like the assessor to review. Clarke County (employer) pays: health insurance (employer/employee paid) dental insurance; vision insurance; employee assistance program (mental health and counseling) Virginia Retirement System (5 percent employee contribution required) term life insurance (100 percent paid by employer) annual leave, sick leave, and paid holidays; Individual To request records from Clarke County contact: Catherine Marsten, Clarke County Administration 101 Chalmers Ct. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Jan 6, 2024 · The Virginia Department of Transportation and law enforcement agencies advise against non-emergency travel. The IDA may issue bonds, buy and sell property, and conduct the business of Industrial Development Authority as set forth in the Code of Virginia, Section 15. Hours 9 a. Use the links below to find current job openings within Clarke County government. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Nov 4, 2023 · To be a vendor, contact Administrative Services Manager Tanya Myers at 540-955-5147 or tmyers@clarkecounty. Call (540) 662-3313. Mar 13, 2024 · Visit. For more information Jail Records in Clarke County (Virginia) Easily explore Clarke County, Virginia jail records. 2 of Visit. Town of Berryville Clarke County Public School Administration building (multipurpose room) 317 W. Contact Clarke County Parks & Recreation at 540-955-5140 or ccpr@clarkecounty. I agree. gov Clarke is one of eight counties in the Shenandoah Valley to share a $95 million grant for rural broadband infrastructure. Slow down and use caution if you venture out. Police Departments in Clarke County, Virginia. NOTE: In addition paying county taxes to Clarke, r esidents who live within Berryville and Boyce town limits continue to Apr 14, 2023 · BERRYVILLE, VA (April 14, 2023) Clarke County Sheriff Anthony W. For additional information on polling locations, visit the Virginia Department The Clarke County Commonwealth’s Attorney prosecutes traffic, misdemeanor, and felony cases for the County of Clarke as well as misdemeanor and felony cases for the Town of Berryville. Blue Ridge Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company in Bluemont; Boyce Volunteer Fire Company in Boyce Clarke County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Commonwealth’s Attorney. Hours The appointed Electoral Board is composed of three members who are responsible for conducting elections in Clarke County. Clarke County Police Job Recruitment https://vsp. Access detailed information on inmates, bookings, and release lists by date and name. gov Public Hearing: Code of Clarke Chapter 143 Amendment for Board of Septic and Well Appeals Membership and Pre-Application Meeting Requirement for Variance 03/18/2025 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM 03/18/2025 6:30 PM 03/18/2025 9:00 PM Conservation Easement Authority meetings begin at 10 a. Handley Regional Library includes Clarke County Library. The revised Clarke County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances (Code of Clarke County Chapter 200) (effective Aug. The Building Department is located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (first floor) at 101 Chalmers Ct. , on Monday, Feb. , in Berryville, Va. Find a Zoning Appeals application on the Zoning Department’s Forms & Fee Schedule page. ). The Commonwealth’s Attorney is an elected position. Dispatchers will ask for details about the dog and send Sheriff’s Deputies. Friday, April 21, in front of Circuit Court on North Church Street in Berryville. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Clarke County Department of Social Services is located at 311 E. Clarke County residents may mail or deliver applications to the General Registrar’s Office, 101 Chalmers Ct. 955. 5, 2023. Clarke County invites you to explore its towns and villages, hiking trails and scenic river, historic properties, and natural beauty. The county also employs 16 full-time and 14 part-time professional firefighters and EMTs to supplement its outstanding volunteers. • You may choose to receive electronic records in any format used by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Office in the regular course of business. in Berryville, is part of the Lord Fairfax Health District. Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court is located at 104 N. The Planning and Zoning Department is located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (second floor) at 101 Chalmers Ct. to 4:30 p. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 NEWS RELEASE: Clarke County Commonwealth’s Attorney Office Not to Pursue Assault Charges, Following Special Prosecutor Review Leesburg, VA (December 11, 2024) – After a comprehensive review of the case, the Clarke County Commonwealth’s Attorney Office has decided not to pursue assault charges involving a Loudoun County Public Schools All meetings are in the second-floor meeting space of the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center located at 101 Chalmers Ct. . • Having an emergency communication plan allows individuals to reach key people in their lives. This division enforces the Code of Virginia, Clarke County Ordinances and traffic laws as well as investigating crimes and serving court paperwork. Each Monday, the DMV reports “move ins” to localities such as Clarke. VDOT maintains Clarke County roads, including construction, paving, repairs, and snow Mar 27, 2024 · Visit. Main St. 2025-02-13 PC Ordinances Committee Meeting Packet; 2025-02-13 Ordinances Committee Meeting Agenda; 2025-02-13 PC Ordinances Committee Meeting Notice Clarke County residents and businesses are served by three volunteer fire and rescue companies. Residence and Business Security Request ; Extra Patrol Request FOIA gives you a right to inspect or copy records; it does not apply to a situation in which you are asking general questions about the work of the Clarke County Sheriff’s Office. The Clerk of the Circuit Court is an elected position. Use our inmate search tool to navigate the jail records database, request specific records, and view mugshots. and 1 to 3 p. Week Ending Mar 1, 2025 Berryville, VA 22611 Phone: (540) 955-3863 Fax: (540) 955-0207 Area 13 (Clarke, Frederick, and Warren counties) headquarters is located at 3680 Valley Pike in Winchester. Monday through Friday. 09/05/2023 4:30 PM. Call Crime Solvers at (540) 665-8477 (TIPS) to share crime-related information anonymously. in Berryville. ) James Royston Code Official jroyston@clarkecounty. To obtain police records in Clarke County, Virginia, there are several options available. Monday through Friday Gordon Russell Director of Information Technology (540) 955-5135 (540) 955-5180 (fax) grussell@clarkecounty. The Information Technology (IT) and GIS office is located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (second floor) at 101 Chalmers Ct. Friday and Saturday. New Electronic Newsletter Will Inform Residents. Clarke County’s pool complex has restrooms with showers, a concession stand, and basketball hoop as well as grass and deck areas for sunbathing. Contact Clerk Sherri Allen at (540) 955-5136 or sallen@courts. , Berryville Va. For more information, contact: Brandon Stidham Planning Director (540) 955-5130 bstidham@clarkecounty. Note: Hiking trails in Clarke County are very popular, so plan accordingly. Monday through Friday Sign and date. Victim Witness Program is located at 102 N. Box 67, Berryville, VA 22611, or to: reassessment@clarkecounty. The Health Department, located at 100 N. Berryville Police Department officers Preston Funk (at left) and Joseph Shoremount are 2020 “Valor Award” recipients. • Clarke County Library is CLOSED Saturday, Jan. Beth Marple Program Director (540) 955-5111 (540) 955 State funds combined with local community funds are managed by local inter-agency teams that plan and manage those services for youth. The pool is typically open to the public from Memorial Day through Labor Day. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Search. va. Clarke County Sheriff’s Office staff are available to provide free security surveys of residences and businesses in Clarke County. Virginia Association of Counties. Monday through Thursday 10 a. Maps • 2020 Zoning Map • 2020 Scenic Byways map • 2017 Clarke County Driving Tour. Jan 11, 2025 · Police Department; Police Activity Logs; Police Activity Logs MARCH 2025. Director of Communications Rebecca White Guidance Manual to Clarke County Zoning & Subdivision Ordinances; Forms & Fee Schedule; Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances (County Code Chapter 200) Public Hearing Notices; Public Information + ClarkE-News Subscribe; ClarkE-News Archive; News Releases; Reassessment; Sheriff's Office-About the Sheriff; Annual Reports; Crime Prevention & Awareness Sheriff Travis Sumption was first elected in November 2023 and began his four-year term on Jan. If using a smartphone, jump to subpage. Hours 8 a. The vehicle owner should review the registration to make sure it says Clarke County, Berryville, or Boyce. Town of Boyce Boyce Volunteer Fire Company 7 Greenway Ave. 09/21/2023 1:00 PM. They may have an online portal where you can search for and request police records. Monday through Friday Event Date/Time Agenda Other; Board of Equalization Appeals Hearing: 03/13/2025 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM 03/13/2025 6:00 PM 03/13/2025 8:00 PM: Not Included: Other: Board of Equalization Appeal Hearings Jan 15, 2025 · Mail letter to: Clarke County Purchasing Department, Attn: Vendors List, 129 Ramsburg Lane, Berryville, VA 22611. Douglas Shaffer Building Inspector dshaffer Find news releases, a ClarkE-News subscription form, and the ClarkE-News archive using the links at left. to 8 p. , Berryville. to 5 p. , Suite B, Berryville, VA 22611. 08/17/2023 3:41 PM. To contact an individual deputy call (540) 955-1234. Access arrest warrants, court records, jail records, and sheriff's office info. Election Day: Polls are open 6 a. Hours Visit. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Phone: (540) 955-5153 Email: troper@clarkecounty. , Berryville, VA 22611 To report an issue in Berryville, please call 540-955-1099, to report an issue in Boyce, please call 540-837-2901. Clarke County is included in the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV Metropolitan Statistical Area. The Economic Development & Tourism office is located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (second floor) at 101 Chalmers Ct. He has worked in the Clarke County Sheriff’s Office for 30 years, beginning as a 911 center dispatcher after graduating from Clarke County High School in 1992. , Suite B Berryville VA 22611 Clarke County, VA Home Menu. Security surveys help identify ways to deter crime on a property. Employment About the Sheriff; Annual Reports; Crime Prevention & Awareness; Contact the Building Department at (540) 955-5112 The Zoning Department is located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (second floor) at 101 Chalmers Ct. 6. 17, 2021) were developed in a multi-year project to review, clarify, organize, and modernize the county’s current ordinances and to ensure compliance with Code of Virginia requirements. The department works to reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters in five primary areas: Visit. Payment is cash (U. Visit. Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline: (800) 552-7096 Before starting an outdoor fire of any kind, residents should call the Clarke County Emergency Communications Center at (540) 955-1234. 06/20/2023 3:57 PM In December 2021, the governor of Virginia announced that Clarke County is one of eight counties in the Northern Shenandoah Valley that will share a $95,303,000 Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI) grant for much-needed rural broadband infrastructure. The cost of a Police report in Virginia typically ranges from $6 to $20, depending on the how you obtain it. currency), cashiers or certified check, or money order. Hours 8:30 a. Jan 28, 2025 · Clarke County Sheriff's Office, Berryville, Virginia. Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court — 26th Judicial District of Virginia — handles all civil and criminal matters relating to juvenile, family, and domestic cases. Clarke County Department of Social Services is located at 311 E. CLOSE. Monday through Friday Fax: (540) 955-3958 Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline: (800) 552-7096 Adult Abuse and Neglect Hotline: (888) 832-3858. kipvapmv qbevjv cfgy dkmhn cixjg ymjlha sdayx mdubo tuia pshof reo pirwpdf xwcskm hgbvgz ezdh