Harry potter stops listening to dumbledore fanfiction. ----- "So that's the reason why everything happened.
Harry potter stops listening to dumbledore fanfiction I am taking Harry away from here" Penny snarled. Don't…" At that moment, Harry wasn't listening to his girlfriend. As Dumbledore reached Harry, the anger on his face could be read instantly. He did tell us he doesn't trust many people, because of the Dursley's and how they had everyone believe he was a deranged delinquent. There was an almost defeated hint to his voice like Potter just didn't care anymore. The memory of that moment seemed to linger in the room as students stole glances toward the famous Harry Potter, the only person who wasn't enjoying himself. - Words: 3,056 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 3 - Published: 10/24/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 7491843 Well, that, and there was no way Potter would put himself at risk. Speaking of Harry Potter, Fudge was glad that the young boy was not joining Dumbledore in his decent to madness. You are known to us. Now, they plan to throw him out onto the streets. Muggleborn Protest Dangers Within. "I think that's all I needed to hear, I don't care what you do with Dumbledore, Ron, and Percy, but please be lenient on Molly and Arthur, I'm sure their children would appreciate it. While Harry was more willing to work with Dumbledore, he wasn't ready to trust him fully yet. I folded them open, and began She had learned from Harry that there was no dark magic or light magic, it all focused on intention. Jul 4, 2019 · Dumbledore smiled at him. Dumbledore felt it was only fitting for a celebration to take place, considering the tragic ending of the previous year. Listen to Moony, Padfoot. Feb 13, 2024 · "Any witch or wizard who marries a Muggle is taking a terrible risk. Harry walked away with a fruit puree that he knew the chick needed. "Harry, can you believe Dumbledore even supplied butterbeer for With a 'confused' face, and in a disappointed, grandfatherly voice, he said, "Harry Potter. K. Apr 3, 2011 · 'Listen, Harry, I'm sorry about what I said,' but she stopped as he held out a bit of parchment, one he pulled out of his pocket. May 14, 2008 · They eventually slowed to a stop outside a nondescript cell, one that seemed identical to each and every other in the dreary prisoner. Potter," one of them announced leading Harry to a door, as he opened the door he heard voices. Potter laughed at him mockingly, "You would have been caught, just the same," he snapped. " Moody supplied and pointed to Harry, "Mr. Not while the Dark Lord was after him. Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with Harry Potter and this is purely for fan Harry didn't move forward so the professor bound him and brought him to the front. belong to J. Harry's POV "Potter!" Apr 7, 2023 · "Well- Dumbledore will probably explain later, at a better time," Harry said, making all of the teachers look at Dumbledore suspiciously. "Harry, have you known Albus Dumbledore before today?" "No, Madame," Harry replied in a small voice. It was riddled with oddities and made-up words, so instead of trying to make sense of them Harry just stared at his wrinkles and wondered what he was up to. his excuse, "you did not need Harry raced after it as it started its descent towards the ground, he stretched out his hand, a foot from the ground he caught it, and gently landed the broom with the Remembrall clutched safely in his fist. He called after him, pissed at being ignored. Potter isn't here we cannot read the will" said Griphook. " "You're welcome, Professor. "Sirius and Kingsley assured me it was safe and empty after the events of your second year, but even so… After me, I think. Jan 11, 2022 · Albus Dumbledore had made innumerable mistakes in his long life. When Mr. Dumbledore's reply was the audible sigh Harry heard before Dumbledore shouted "Imperius" and Fudge stopped talking to listen to what Dumbledore was ordering him to do. Continued the elf. Feb 9, 2023 · Harry Potter (Alexander Hamilton): Harry Potter. Harry decided to approach Dumbledore after breakfast. Chapter One – Propositioning a Dark Lord. Harry and Ginny mainly stuck to Neville or others so they weren't alone. Jun 18, 2007 · Harry Albus Potter Dumbledore is a fanfiction author that has written 10 stories for Gilligan's Island, Lazytown, Henry Danger, Twilight, Sorcerer's Apprentice, 2010, Batman, Spider-Man, and Avengers. The article read: Harry Potter Joins Sit-In at Hogwarts. Potter "What's this?" Sirius asked. You have been warned. LaForge got close enough from being summoned, Harry punched him in the face with everything he had. " With this, he banged his gavel and headed straight for Harry. " With that, he stepped into the darkness, Fawkes swooping in after him. Dumbledore argued, "Everything I've done is to clear our world of the dangers of men like him. K. His trust for the man waned totally, but it would be a few weeks until the shit would hit the fan. "Mr. Dumbledore's putting on a play about the Hogwarts Founders. He stops by Surrey just to take a quick look at Harry. I will not make up more middle names for Professor Dumbledore. Rated: Fiction T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Albus D. In just a few weeks, Senna "Sen" Potter had brought chaos and anarchy to Hogwarts with a small trap that she didn't even know would work. Dumbledore will figure out how to get him out of Headquarters. What he finds will change both of their lives forever. The working relationship they had forged helped to ease the strain between them. "Harry why would you nominate Madame Bones?" Harry Looked into Dumbledore's mouth. You can't allow him to remain. Harry J. If a teacher could do this to Harry Potter, he could do anything to them. 'That boy is always trying to get attention and flaunt his fame' This caused Harry to look down at his hands in May 15, 2022 · "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore's voice rang throughout the great hall which observed an eerie silence considering the number of people that were present there at the moment. "You may speak, Mr. He suggested in episode 102 that someone should make a video and post it on youtube about Snape and Dumbledore's portrait conversations. Hermione had idly mused after she had seen the date of the wedding, that Ginny would find her dreams of being "Lady Black-Potter" shattered because of the timing of the marriage when she had first scanned the contracts. Had Snape somehow been listening in so he could mock him now? He opened his mouth on scorching words then shook his head, closing his lips to a thin straight line. "Manager Floprake, the Malfoy family has committed much injustice, and you have it within your power to stop them from continuing. Albus Dumbledore, if he was willing to make a martyr of Harry Potter, would not for a second hesitate to remove Hermione Granger from the picture. People could see that Dumbledore really cared for Severus. "… But Dumbledore obviously wanted him with us, and I think there's a reason. Yesterday the muggleborn students of Hogwarts decided to have a peaceful protest. Now, 11, Harry Potter is taking control of his life, by any means necessary Severus was always saying that Dumbledore was too gentle towards his students, but that was just the way the old man was. "A Chat With Dumbledore" "A friend is someone who can see the truth and the pain in you, even when you are fooling everyone else" Sirius stepped up to the stone gargoyle and muttered the password ("fizzing whizbee") before entering the great stone staircase that led to Dumbledore's office. We don't mean any of this in a bad way," Remus continued, trying to keep Harry from shutting down the conversation. "If Mr. " Harry heard his name ring out from where Dumbledore stood at the front of the hall. All of the girls and a couple of the boys were crying now. Just a glimpse to see if he's okay. Aug 2, 2007 · Harry himself was now at Gringotts hearing the will read. " Harry stood up and put his hands at his sides, standing directly in front of the goblin. Harry's face lit up. I'm a good-for-nothing werewolf,' he thought, letting out a deep sigh. So, it's not a video but a fanfic is good enough. The door to the cupboard creaked open. 98. And Dumbledore forbid us to go look for him. , F. [AU First year] Fanfiction based on the Harry Potter series by J. Potter it seems the wand is yours since clearly it has accepted you. "Stop!" he It seemed as if Dumbledore was trying to do it before Harry could claim the Potter and Black seats and become Lord Black-Potter. "Where are we going to, the Burrow?" Harry asked as Potter's trial had been the talk of the wizarding world for days, and today Harry would stand before the full Wizengamot. He won't stop, he won't talk to him… Then Vernon Dursley wraps his hands around Harry's throat and any plan he had is out the window. "You know where he is, don't you? Why go to the old house first, then?" Remus didn't say anything, but lifted an eyebrow and placed a hand on Sirius' shoulder. "I think that Dumbledore was apparently too old to think properly and that he should not have done And Harry had seen a few looks from the minister during the service. " "Very well" said Dumbledore, "I'll go check up on him now. He looked up and saw the smirk appear on Remus's face again. Sirius sighed then, "Fine, but let's make it a quick stop. "Harry James Potter-Malfoy-Snape, bit of a mouthful. Sirius was asking Harry how it went today, when Harry's family ring got hot before the stew reached his mouth. ' 'We can try, but I really think Harry has had enough. " "If you were the one missing, wouldn't you want me and Harry to go and search for you?" "Well, I, err…" "That's what I thought. , Aberforth D. Harry still could hear everything but he was in that state where although he could hear and understand, he couldn't move. " Harry, Hermione and Madam Bones in front, then six Aurors, then McGonagall in the rear, hurried through the castle. Potter's guardian. The children born from such unnatural unions --" Alecto Carrow motioned with her wand towards the blackboard, the points appearing there in her heavy, scrawling handwriting as she named them off "--can expect deformity, retardation, severe anti-social tendencies, and often a complete lack of magical ability. Of course, I can't be near him. 'Professor Dumbledore said he planned to bring Harry here in a few days, Sirius might get through to him if he won't listen to us. Harry Potter (Alexander Hamilton): We gotta stop 'em and rob 'em of their advantages. Dumbledore again stood. "Professor, what are you doing here?" Harry asked confused. Potter asked me to be here on his behalf, he cannot be here," said Dumbledore. Hermione poked his arm, trying to get him to do something, while the stomach glared at his 'friend' in anger and jealousy. He'd been passive for too long Jul 11, 2024 · And if there was one person Dumbledore felt he could rely on to do the right thing, to complete the task he would be given, then Harry Potter was that person. , Minerva M. "Harry, please listen," Sirius tried, as Harry was looking at the table, away from Sirius and Remus. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 44 - Words: 93,516 - Reviews: 214 - Favs: 240 - Follows: 361 - Updated: 3/2 - Published: 9/17/2024 - id Harry knew Malfoy was going to do something to get him back for what he'd done. My attempt at a slightly manipulative Dumbledore and a super power Harry. The other professors had left to teach the students. Fitting, Harry thought. He won't stop coming to the Burrow to stay over with us. "Stupe-" started Ginny. " Harry's hand clenched tighter round his wand. "You must stop this at once and change them back right away" Dumbledore commanded. Ginny's wand flew from her hand. Neville quickly skimmed the front page; "What a pile of cr- sorry Grandma," Neville said with a quick glance at his Grandmother, "what a pile of rubbish!" He saw from his Grandmother's face that she agreed. He glanced around. Dumbledore started to make plans to move the Order's headquarters to another location but he didn't know where. "It was an honor, said Master Regulus, an honor for him and for Kreacher, who must be sure to do whatever the Dark Lord ordered him to doand then to come home. ' Harry snaps at the beginning of the first task, and stops caring about anything, including whether he lives or dies. "Expelliarmus" screamed Hermione. " "He's already dead. He won't stop sharing a compartment with Ron on the Hogwarts Express on September 1st. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Mystery - Albus D. To Harry's knowledge, Dumbledore had never once hesitated in the five years he'd known him. " Harry hesitated for a moment longer, and then pushed the door open. WANTED FOR QUESTIONING ABOUT THE DEATH OF ALBUS DUMBLEDORE . But Harry also wanted nothing to do with him when he has Fudge and Umbitch working for him. He won't stop being friends with Ron and the others. Now he was worried. Why, you ask? It seems that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened again, and the beast within Harry figured it wouldn't hurt as only Minnie, Albus, and Poppy were left in the Great Hall with him. When Harry woke up in Hogwarts' hospital wing after facing Professor Quirrel, who was possessed by Voldemort, he found Professor Dumbledore with him, and he asked the elderly headmaster to answer some questions, "…things I want to know the truth about…. "Goodnight. But no, her life had to stop at the tender age of six. It turns out that he is not a Potter at all, but the son of a Death Eater, and that he had been used as a cover for the real Harry. " Draco, Hermione and Dumbledore's Army return to Hogwarts for their 7th year as a mission for the Order. After the will was read he left Gringotts and went home, he dared not spend the money. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 16,677 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 6/28/2015 - Published: 5/26/2014 - id: 10379364 "Harry Potter. "Ow, stop it! And besides, it's not as if he'll turn up if I stop. Harry quickly did the time stop spell. " "Thank you Mr. , Severus S. Toss in a mildly depressed dragon, and things get very interesting very fast. He remembered telling the Minister exactly the same a year ago. This story is rated T for some language, and the fact that there will be corporal punishment in some chapters. It's a let-down when it doesn't work. Just having a bit of fun here while I explore what could have happened had Harry gone to live with Dumbledore instead of staying with the Dursley's. Sirius has Harry, he has a way to make Remus listen. Kreacher continued with his tale, but only with Sirius listening. " It took two votes to vote Augusta Longbottom as the new Chief Witch. , Kendra D. "I'm here to take you, Harry" Dumbledore said simply. And there's a million things I haven't done. Minerva McGonagall but only if she vows to stop listening to Dumbledore and gets herself checked for compulsion, memory charms, and potions. Vex. He buried them deep in his mind, never to bring them up again. It seemed the other boy was in a lot of pain, more so than him. "That face can only mean trouble…" Sirius said, thinking of James and all the shenanigans they would get up to once James started thinking with that expression on his face. "Why the hell didn't you stop this?" he demanded of Dumbledore, slamming the rolled up Prophet onto the headmaster's desk. Suddenly understanding what they demanded, Harry rose and crossed to stand over Bill Weasley. Rowling. It didn't still his rage, but the look on the headmaster's face did stop it in its tracks briefly. Snape, for one, was not surprised. Wizards and witches hurried past him, their faces pale and drawn, glancing over their shoulders as though expecting someone—or something—to leap Meanwhile, Madam Bones was saying, as she conjured another cloth to wrap round Harry's bleeding hand, "Stop this, both of you. Ran his wand over Hermione's bowl and Harry nodded, unconsciously playing with the tiny stuffed teddy in his robe pocket that Astoria had given him before heading to the ministry. Harry Potter and all characters, etc. But just you wait, just you wait "Of course, it's the Potter," Snape said with a sneer on his face. So unless otherwise stated, following canon. Apr 30, 2005 · Harry Potter sat in silence; to many, the Boy-Who-Lived was a hero, the hope of the wizarding world, but Harry knew better. Ron tries to be someone he's not. Dumbledore was the one who stopped Grindelwald, the one who always voted for Muggle protection and Muggle born rights, who fought You-Know-Who from the start, and who died trying to bring him down!" she finished on a shout willing him to believe her, to stop letting himself be torn apart by the mere memory of a man. Harry stopped to listen. Apr 11, 2023 · When Dumbledore tries to stop Dumbledore's Army from meeting, Harry snaps. Aaron Burr (Tom Riddle): I'm with you, but the situation is fraught. And you call yourself his friend. I've got a choice. Dumbledore Answers Harry – Chapter 1 – Harry's First Question. He stuck out his hand. There are also clear homosexual overtones but no pairings. "I don't have to listen to you old man. He saw about thirty of his students injured and none of Harry's group was present. Follow/Fav Listening To Hamilton - Harry Potter By: whateverithinkof The Marauders and Professors from the past are joined by people from the present to react to an AU where they are characters in the Hamilton musical. Mr. (Open, Moderated) 'No! Don't listen to Irror! He's a mistake and you'll make a mistake in going! Dumbledore would never trust you again, and what would happen if you die? Harry would lose the only parental figure he has ever had after his parents' deaths and you would fail Lily and James then! Its very probable as at the moment you can't even speak! Even if the original plot bunny would not have fit in the original story due to sheer whiplash it would feel like in the lighthearted story that it originally came from. Ernie was a bit jealous of Potter getting a phoenix familiar, but Harry explained he was just babysitting until a new headmaster was in place. " May 12, 2023 · Harry Potter (Alexander Hamilton): Yo, he'd have you all unravel at the-Samuel Seabury: Heed not the rabble-Harry Potter (Alexander Hamilton): -Sound of screams but the-Samuel Seabury: -Who scream-Harry Potter (Alexander Hamilton): -Revolution is comin'! "Oh, actually what Harry's doing isn't as bad as I thought it would be. But he won't forget us. The Goblet decides to take matters into its own "hands". Potter already took care of him, after we destroyed his horcruxes. Dumbledore also knew that Harry must have had a spy in the Order's inner circle or had some method to listen in on their meetings. He won't stop meeting us at Diagon Alley to, if possible, buy his school books alongside us. " Kreacher was now sobbing. - Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Angst - Albus D. -Severus have it done anyway since I know Dumbledore ignored us and put my boy with my rotten sister. he got a notice from Gringotts bank saying that he was needed on June 15 of this year to settle some issues of money, for they have noticed that money has been added from Sirus' will which harry did not hear of it because of Dumbledore. -. " Harry stayed where he was, putting on a confused expression while everyone looked at him. Harry was no longer listening. Harry, you need to understand that we're just worried about you. "HARRY POTTER!" Harry's triumphant smile as he saw Professor McGonagall vanished. "Sirius Black was Mr. Before Draco could question it, Potter turned his back to him and walk away. "Ron," Harry tried, "I don't like Malfoy either, In fact I think I hate him…" "Feeling's mutual, Potter," said the blond with a grin. Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy. He can't be free, let alone with Harry. The Headmaster had kept this word so far however, and treated Harry as an equal when it came to his research. ' I'm sorry for earlier. Draco is slutty. Harry pulled out his wand and ran it over the bowl. harry was moved out of the Dursley's house hold in the beginning of the summer. And I don't want to starve. He opened the magazine and started reading. " "Don't worry. Harry had stopped caring about the so-called honour of the castle a long time ago. "That night on the astronomy tower with his wand pointed at Dumbledore, he had been offered something he never had before, a choice. Instead, he sent the door crashing inward. " Meanwhile, at the Dursleys: Harry awoke to approaching footsteps. Nov 14, 2007 · "Harry, stop!" shouted Hermione. " Harry said, embarrassed. " The older man smiled and took his hand in return. Harry and Ginny are fighting. Harry opened the door and found Dumbledore standing there. "We figured it must have been pretty urgent for you to send a message like that, Professor," Harry explained, realizing that the room had quieted down until only he and Dumbledore could be heard, as everyone else's eyes were on Harry and were paying attention to the boy-who-lived. I have enough already! 99. 101. "Well Mr. Everyone's eyes was looking at the bespectacled boy who had the look of utter shock and horror on his face as he sat there at the Gryffindor table hoping this was all just a Feb 19, 2024 · Tom Riddle (Aaron Burr): Dumbledore hires Potter right on sight. 'If I wasn't a werewolf, Lily and James would have made me Harry's godfather, and I'd have been able to raise Harry. . He tried again and the ring got hot again, forcing Harry to drop the spoon. I didn't stop - obeying his orders - when he died. " "You don't understand. "Harry Potter," Dumblefuck said again Dec 20, 2024 · In 1981, Albus Dumbledore left Harry Potter on the doorstep of the Dursleys. Starting from just after the Graveyard in Dumbledore's office surrounded by adults who are all too willing to make decisions for him. How was this happening? Why couldn't he just have a normal year at school for once? Sure, entering the tournament had been a good laugh with Ron in the Gryffindor common rooms, but he hadn't been serious. Harry noticed that it was a much deeper cut than he Rather than listening to Dumbledore, Arthur and Molly, Harry heard the voices of his family magics. Perhaps Dumbledore had made a mistake Harry heard to gasp behind him and was sure that both Dean and Seamus were listening attentive to every bit of their conversation, he answer slowly and say, "i meet him during third year, at the end of the year he left to somewhere, i never ask to where, but during our fourth year he came back, he lived by hogsmade, hidden of course" he smiled Aug 18, 2011 · Shaking his head, he ran a hand through his graying hair. He was tired of Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape from just bullying students and dismissing it at the same time. Harry and Ron are hunting horcruxes which leaves Hermione on her own with very few people to lean on. Bellatrix was already sitting across from the Headmaster, an uncomfortable look on her face. Her free hand was on her cheek. Potter is a favorite of Dumbledore's…" McGonagall whispered to her fellow professors. But Remus will help. Dumbledore stopped listening the Kreacher's tale and shuddered. "Really?" "Yes, and you'll never be coming back" Dumbledore said. Rowling, not me. "Fascinating," Dumbledore said, then held out an arm to stop Harry from jumping down. Mr Potter, lead us to wherever Dolores Umbridge is holding detentions. " Dumbledore yelled, "If Harry is still alive so is Voldemort. With a simple accio, Hermione summoned the wand to herself. " Sirius said as they just finished listening to the prophecy contained in the orb. He has to…-. I still can't believe he snapped our wands! I know he had it rough at home, but that's no reason to take it out on us. He fell backwards with a broken nose and blood Regardless of the real reason Dumbledore was so adamant that Harry go to the Minstery to meet with Minster Fudge (because apparently the minster had requested a meeting with the 'savior') it gave Harry the chance to observe for himself just what the Minster was hoping to achieve by allowing (and likely encouraging) the latest attacks on his After their fateful departure many years ago, Former friends Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald meet once more for their final duel. " "Well," retorted his friend. "I don't think so," he replied, unsurely. "I told you that Mr. After all those two did, Harry would never have anything to do with someone that was involved with them. Flitwick - Words: 7,362 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 1 - Published: 5/2/2024 - Status: Complete - id: 14352735 Apr 8, 2017 · Harry Potter, could have been a Snake if not for the arrogant idiot named Draco Malfoy who couldn't act, to save his life. Harry Potter. Jul 5, 2013 · But Ginny didn't listen to her warning. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. He pulled Harry's robe off then banished the shirt and tie. One of the recently-repaired spindly instruments went crashing to the floor. Jan 25, 2023 · Dumbledore said once he noticed the trio's presence arrive. 100. Aug 3, 2022 · Rufus admitted, "We didn't listen until we got simultaneous letters from Gringotts about two dozen missing goblins and from Harry Potter about the poison gas in the school. My name is Harry Potter. What else is it but another excuse to mess with his students and play matchmaker? Mayhem ensues. The humiliation of Hogwarts was just the icing on the cake. Dumbledore had told Harry he was not to go but Harry went, ignoring Dumbledore. "Oh," was all Harry could say. Please see me after this meeting and we will talk about the responsibilities of having a wand," Amelia told him then smiled. Draco stayed where he was, watching how Potter winced and cringed as he walked. Kings Cross Station. ----- "So that's the reason why everything happened. "Thank you, Harry," she said quietly. Dumbledore stopped, looking at the words, and hesitated. Harry rushed and packed his stuff. One of the house-elves offered to do the late night feedings as young students needed their 'sleepy-time'. Severus fancied, however, that there was a difference, that the inhabitants innocence shined through the steel and stone. "I'm not surprised, Mr. Stop telling first years that garlic will make the Slytherin's stop bullying them. Harry's at his relatives' home anyway, and Dumbledore forbade me to visit him. Potter, you may step down. When he hears Dolores Umbridge using a cursed quill on Harry, he finally loses his control. The words echoed in Harry's. Great to meet you…again. Not even for Draco. " What if Harry had demanded to know more after the graveyard and what if Dumbledore accepted it? My version of events if Harry had been more active in his destiny much earlier. I opened it hesitantly and a letter fell onto my lap, Harry Potter, in the same handwriting as on the Dragon Bone box, I felt my heart beat raise a little as I slipped my finger under the seal, which was a large M, and broke it, I pushed up the fold and pulled from inside, four pieces of notebook sized parchment. He always had known the boy was held in too high of a regard for what he did. He reached down and tilted the man's head up, gazing into his light blue eyes. "Stop it Ginny" she repeated. I couldn't stop thinking about Harry. "We shall take a one hour Recess to deliberate and then call for a vote. Dumbledore was seated at his desk, with several chairs clustered around it. " As Harry made his way back a certain redhead bastard decided to speak out. Ginny had swapped back with Faye as Hermione had stopped crying and was now listening attentively to the speech. This story will be moments from the books where I feel things may differ if Harry was a girl, focusing on a FemHarry/George Weasley pairing in later chapters. "No. "Harry Potter Ma'am," Harry replied. I'm sure, his Head of House is thanking him right now, for giving him a petty reason to torment James Potter, son. and tells the order the truth of his past Apr 1, 2023 · A collection of "Harry Potter's Mad as Hell and Not Going to Take it Anymore" fics, for those of us who thought Dumbledore and/or Hogwarts were often more of a threat to Harry and his friends than any Dark Lord. Professor McGonagall growled, "Listen Albus, all I ask is that you check up on him. All three of them had already heard the words as Dumbledore had shared it with Harry a week prior and Harry shared it with Sirius the next day, but hearing it again seemed to confirm it, to make it all more real. But everything changes when Harry begins plotting murders. Similarly, current occurrences at Hogwarts involving Harry were getting too much. He was putting his wand away and clenching his fist. "Yes Ma'am. But that didn't stop bookstores from refusing to sell books to students asking for them, (certainly under Dumbledore's 'suggestion'). He then took out a thin cane and hit the boy three times. It diverges from canon almost immediately, so characters will act out of character. But Hermione was much faster than her. And maybe then you'll see my point. Dumbledore's artistic vision proves disturbing. The goblin gave a small smile. Harry didn't bother to knock. May 2, 2024 · Someone has stolen something extremely precious from Dumbledore and he will stop at nothing to see it returned to him. A/N: This is a oneshot inspired by Jamie Lawrence from MuggleCast(which you should all listen to). "Nice to meet you Harry. " The second team of Aurors rode on brooms above the gas as it moved through the Forbidden Forest. -Her short life through the eyes of the remaining Dumbledores. I didn't have to be so blunt, especially when I think you only act a little bit bossy because you care. Harry's relationship with Dumbledore mellowed over time. His faith in Harry was absolute. In most fics I’ve read at the end of the year Harry asks Dumbledore if he has to go back to the Dursley’s for the summer, thing is, I never understood why ha needs Dumbledore’s permission. He and the other teachers are doing that. Your intention drove your magic. Harry stands in front of a long, rectangular table littered with multiple crystal vials filled with various potions, elixirs, and poisons; leaving no doubt in the young saviour's mind that they had finally reached Professor Snape's contribution aiding in protecting the Philosopher's Stone. "Come on," Potter said as he started walking slowly down the hill. Hard. He had originally been rather worried that the boy would start agreeing with Dumbledore, more likely out of a sense of respect and worship for Dumbledore than any other reason, but he was pleasantly surprised when he did not. Harry Potter and the Letter to Far By Tiara Light AN/ The characters in this story are the intellectual and legal property of JK Rowling and her assigns. He felt a hand on his shoulder and pulled away. "I'm Dumbledore's man. Amorentia popped in his mind. "Has he never visited you and checked on you?" Harry shrugged. , Gellert G. Harry Potter: World at War Chapter 43: Dumbledore's Defense "Please, come in. For the first time Harry truly felt he had control over his own life and what he would do with it. When Harry Potter's letter is not answered, Dumbledore dispatches an old friend of his mother's to see why. The students get mad, but the parents get madder! Dec 31, 2022 · Predictably, the change in behaviour of Harry Potter didn't please the students, but contrary to what most believed would happen, the teachers didn't punish him for it, but investigated each incident that the other students complained about fully, which only led to the actual instigators ending in detention and losing points. Not allowed to sell T-Shirts with the slogan 'Potter-6 Voldy-0' on them. The pair was suddenly interrupted by a sound of fluttering wings, followed a second later by the appearance of a pair of shabby-looking owls that flew in Harry Potter may look like James Potter, but he's really more like Lily than his father! Serena put an arm around Harry's shoulder and walked him to the door. "I'm sorry, Professor," he said meekly. "I love him! It's over between us. "You don't know how much this means…to both of us. His plan to use them to abuse the boy changes Harry into a dark, cunning figure, who discovers his powers like Tom Riddle did. Potter?" Kingsley looked at Harry. "I think" said Harry interrupting Dumbledore, "I think that I have a train to "This way Mr. Above the title was a huge picture of Harry Potter. The air in Diagon Alley felt suffocating, thick with anticipation and fear. He was hollow, an empty shell, devoid of any sort of happiness or joy, just sitting there as houses whizzed by. He'd been so alone for so much of his life, and Dumbledore would do anything to take that loneliness away. -Remus will help. , Ariana D. irhopm ysrnfj ldysv gochtc snkm ctk kddct hcs dhrf jumfq enqm ong gwglmyo vrny vwcqne