Ece 340 uic. Semiconductor junctions.
Ece 340 uic e. () Dec 19, 2013 · ECE 340: Quizzes. ECE 340 Electronics I University of Illinois at Chicago Experiment #2 Operational Amplifier Applications, Part 1 Spring 2015 Introduction Be sure to print a copy of Experiment #2 and bring it with you to lab. illinois. Jun 15, 2012 · ECE 340. ECE 340: Exams. Ankit Gupta, 2014 ERF, (312) 413–2290, (agupta70(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Wednesday 10:00am–1:00pm, Friday 10:00am–1:00pm Lab Sections: Tuesday 8:00am–10:50am & Thursday 2:00pm–4:50pm (3253 SEL) Grade of C or better in ECE 225. ECE 340: Staff. 2kΩ) = 1. Jun 12, 2011 · ECE 340: Electronics I. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 6th edition, Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN: 978-0195323030. Include the resistance r ECE 340: Quizzes. 10 at 8:00-11:00am and will be entirely online. Jan 9, 2012 · (1/9/2012) Welcome to ECE 340! Today the syllabus for the course was handed out. Vahe Caliskan Email vahe(at)uic(dot)edu Office 921 SEO, (312) 996–6013 ECE 340 parts kit Jan 19, 2011 · Policy. Determine relative magnitudes of the effective mass of electrons and holes from an E (k) diagram. (1/6/2011) Laboratory 1 and ECE 340 Laboratory Information has been posted. ECE 340 Electronics I Experiment #7 – Bipolar Junction Transistors University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2010 Set V BB to a non-zero value. Vahe Caliskan, 921 SEO, 2014 ERF, (arahna2(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: 12:00–1:50pm on Wednesdays, or by Spring 2024 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING 340 Semiconductor Electronics The course coordinator is Prof. ECE 340 Electronics I Syllabus University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2011 Instructor Dr. John Dallesasse Aug 1, 2010 · Summer Session 2010. edu Office 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013 Office Hours: 12:00–1:30pm on Mondays & Wednesdays, other times by appointment Lecture 2:00pm–2:50am on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays in 309 BH (CRN: 18143) Apr 29, 2014 · Grade of C or better in ECE 225. Announcements (8/26/2013) Welcome to ECE 340! Page generated 2013-12-19 10:11:50 CST, by jemdoc. (5/2/2013) Quiz 6 Makeup and Teaching Assistants . asc – Simulates the i-v characteristics of 2N3053 BJT. Vahe Caliskan, 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013, (vahe(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 12:00–2:00pm Apr 30, 2013 · ECE 340: Electronics I. (4/24/2014) Homework 7a Solutions have been Teaching Assistants . Circuit implementation of logic gates in various logic families. ECE 340 Electronics I Syllabus University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2010 Instructor Dr. Dec 5, 2012 · ECE 340. Sep 30, 2010 · ECE 340 Electronics I Experiment #6 – Analog Diode Circuits University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2010 Parts • 1 - 1N4004 (or 1N4006) diode • 1 - 1N4375 zener diode • 1 - 10µF capacitor • assorted resistors Procedure Note that the data from this experiment are the sketches of the voltages that are taken right off the scope. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion. See full list on courses. Announcements (9/10/2012) Course syllabus has been updated to include staff office hours. Laboratory sessions will begin on the second week of the semester. ECE 340 Electronics I Exam #3 University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2014 Problem 2 (15 points) The small-signal equivalent circuit for an amplifier is shown below where the base, collector and emitter terminals are identified as B, C, E, respectively. The UIC policy is that IN complete grades should be given ONLY when the student is making satisfactory progress. Both exams and the final exam will consist of several problems or questions. edu Office 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013 Office Hours: 12:00–2:00pm on Mondays & Wednesdays Lecture 9:00am–9:50am on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays in A2 LC (CRN: 11067) Laboratory 8:00am–10:50am on Tuesdays in 3253 SEL (CRN: 11059) ECE 340: Semiconductor Devices : COURSE DIRECTOR: Prof. (Fall, Spring, Summer) 4 hours. edu Introduction to digital logic circuits. Policy. doc Author: Vahe Created Date: 4/11/2011 1:34:02 PM ECE 340 Electronics I Exam #1 University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2013 Problem 2 (10 points) Consider the following circuit and assume that the opamps are ideal except for power supply limitation. (8/23/2010) Welcome to ECE 340! Today the syllabus for the course was handed out. ECE 340 Final Exam (Monday) 5/5/2014: 1:00–3:00pm, 304 BH: Page generated 2014-04-29 17:42:23 CDT, by ECE 340: Staff. plt – Plot settings for the iD-vD characteristics of 1N4148 diode. Sedra and Kenneth C. ECE 410. 9µA)(8. Fall Semester 2013. Announcements (5/2/2013) Fall 2012 Final Exam has been posted to the Homeworks section. ECE 340 Electronics I Experiment #8 – BJT Switching Characteristics University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2010 I C = β FI B (14) The term β F is called the forward (as opposed to reverse) dc current gain of a transistor and ECE 340 Electronics I Homework #6 (due 4/11/2014) University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2014 Consider the transistor amplifier shown below where the coupling capacitors C c1, C c2 and the bypass capac-itor C E are large. There will be no laboratory session in the first week of the semester, Tuesday 8/24/2010. asc – Homework 0 Problem 8 solutions using LTspice. Grade of C or better in ECE 225. Maria Javaid, 1331 SEO, (312) 413–2293, (mjavai2(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: TBD Lab Section: Monday & Wednesdays 8:00am–10:30am (3253 SEL) ECE 340 Electronics I Experiment #12 – Complementary MOS Logic University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2010 typically specified for a particular capacitive load, say 50 pF. Oct 31, 2011 · (8/22/2011) Welcome to ECE 340! Today the syllabus for the course was handed out. Apr 23, 2014 · ECE 340: Electronics I. To check your grades on lab reports, exams and quizzes click here. Policy Quizzes and Solutions. (8/1/2010) Final Exam will be on Friday, August 6, 2010 from 10:45am–1:15pm in 208 TH. grainger. Prerequisites Grade of C or better in ECE 225. In other words a current is flowing out of the load gate inputs into Q2 of ECE 340 ElectronicsI Experiment #12 – ComplementaryMOS Logic University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2011 capacitance of CMOS inputs on logic transitions. INcomplete Grades: Jyotbir Litt, 4250 SEL, (jlitt6(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Wednesday 11:00am–1:00pm, Friday 11:00am–12:00noon Lab Section: Thursday 2:00–4:50pm (3253 SEL) The laboratory for ECE 340 is located in 3253 SEL. (8/2/2010) Quiz 5 and Quiz 5 Solutions and Homework 5 Solutions have been posted. Monday, August 27, 2012 – Instruction begins. ECE 340 ElectronicsI Experiment #4 – Diode Characteristics University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2013 Introduction Be sure to print a copy of Experiment #4 and bring it with you to lab. Feedback amplifiers. If the capacitance of the load is higher, the propagation time is longer. Laboratory sessions will begin on the second meeting of the semester, Wednesday 6/16/2010 and meet nearly every Monday and Wednesday as shown in the schedule below. Friday, September 6, 2013 – Last day to complete late registration; last day to add a course(s) or make section changes; last day to drop individual courses via Student Self-Service without receiving W (Withdrawn) grade on academic record. INcomplete Grades: Studying ECE 340 Electronics I at University of Illinois at Chicago? On Studocu you will find practice materials and much more for ECE 340 UIC ECE 340: Semiconductor Devices : COURSE DIRECTOR: Prof. Exams and Solutions. The exams will be closed book. As a rule of thumb a designer can assume the load Create a local directory called ECE 340 in a convenient location such as your Desktop. Introduction to digital logic circuits. Tanim Humayun, 1331 SEO, (312) 413–2293, (mhumay2(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00–3:30pm, Wednesday 10:00–11:30am Lab Section: Tuesday 8:00am–10:50am (3253 SEL) Jun 15, 2010 · ECE 340 Electronics I Experiment #1 – Introduction to Laboratory Equipment University of Illinois at Chicago Summer 2010 Introduction Be sure to print a copy of Experiment #1 and bring it with you to lab. (8/27/2012) Welcome to ECE 340! ECE 340: Semiconductor Devices : COURSE DIRECTOR: Prof. University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2014 Instructor Dr. Vahe Caliskan Email vahe@uic. The laboratory for ECE 340 is located in 3253 SEL. Laboratory sessions will begin on the second week of the semester, Tuesday 8/31/2010 and meet nearly every Tuesday as shown in the schedule below. Micro and Nanotechnology Lab (HMNTL) jdallesa@illinois. Create a local directory called ECE 340 in a convenient location such as your Desktop. INcomplete Grades: ECE 340 Electronics I Syllabus University of Illinois at Chicago Summer 2010 Instructor Dr. The dates and times for the quizzes will be Information about the laboratory policy, kits, lab report format, etc. Dec 5, 2012 · Simple transistor amplifier and switching applications. You will meet in the laboratory to review prerequisite material for the course. Spring Semester 2013. Laboratory sessions will begin on the second meeting of the semester, Thursday 6/14/2012 and meet nearly every Tuesday and Thursday as shown in the schedule below. edu Office 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013 Lecture 10:45am–1:15pm on Mondays & Wednesdays in A4 LC (CRN: 13855) Laboratory 8:00am–10:30am on Mondays & Wednesdays in 3253 SEL (CRN: 13858) May 1, 2011 · Grade of C or better in ECE 225. The dates and times for the quizzes will be announced Title: Microsoft Word - hw7. Here are some additional comments regarding this Navigate into the ECE 340 directory and double-click on hw0_p8. Announcements (6/12/2011) Welcome to ECE 340! Today the syllabus for the course was handed out. Exam Details: Teaching Assistant. Determine the input resistance R in as seen by voltage source v in. Due to COVID-19, 340 has been moved online. hw0_p8. + + + + − C E C c1 C c2 Q V CC V CC R s R1 R B R2 R C R in R out R E1 R E2 v out R L v s v in 1. Monday, September 2, 2013 – Labor Day (No classes). Bipolar and field-effect transistors. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): ENGL 161; and ECE 225; and ECE 340 or ECE 346 or ECE 366. The dates and times for the quizzes will be ECE 340 Electronics I Experiment #12 – Complementary MOS Logic University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2013 capacitance of CMOS inputs on logic transitions. Semiconductor junctions. Cumulative Final Exam will be on Dec. 1N4148. Textbook Adel S. To check your grades on quizzes and exams click here. Spring Semester 2012. Catalog Description. Previously listed as EECS 340. To earn a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. INcomplete Grades: ECE 340: Staff. Information about the laboratory policy is given in ECE 340 Laboratory Information. ECE 340: Homework. Rui Yang, 4210E SEL, (ryang22(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Tuesday 12:30–3:30pm, Friday 10:00am–1:00pm Lab Sections: Tuesday 8:00am–10:50am & Thursday 2:00pm–4:50pm (3253 SEL) Welcome to ECE 340 Fall 2021! Course Announcements. Laboratory experience. Homework will not be collected but will be the basis for the quizzes. ECE 340 Electronics I Experiment #10 – Transistor-Transistor Logic Inverter University of Illinois at Chicago Summer 2010 i. Monday, September 3, 2012 – Labor Day (No classes). Monday, August 26, 2013 – Instruction begins. edu . Differential amplifiers. Calculate the carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductors. a sink current. Operational amplifiers. Given the input voltage waveform for v in(t), determine and sketch the corresponding output voltages v out1(t) and v out2(t). Homework will not be collected; however, the quiz problems will be partially based on the homework assignments. Quizzes will be based on homeworks and material covered in lectures. Instructor : Dr. ECE 310: Course Information. There will be no laboratory session in the first day of the semester, Monday 6/14/2010. The propagation delay of a CMOS gate is typically specified for a particular capacitive load, say 50 pF. Reading and homework will be assigned every week and the solutions will be posted after the due date. INcomplete Grades: ECE 340 at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in Chicago, Illinois. Draw the small-signal ECE 340. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering degree requirements are outlined below. 35V (4) Hence the transistor is cutoff when V in ≤ 0. The sidebar containing the instructor and TA office hours and Aug 27, 2012 · ECE 340: Electronics I. Summer Session 2012. The sidebar containing the instructor and TA office hours and Apr 29, 2014 · ECE 340: Exams. Md. BJT-characteristics. Download the file given below and put it in the ECE 340 directory. Notice that the horizontal input to the scope is V CE and the vertical Grade of C or better in ECE 225. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in ECE 340: Quizzes. edu Office 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013 Office Hours: by appointment Lecture 9:00am–9:50am on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays in C1 LC (CRN: 11067) Laboratory 8:00am–10:50am on Tuesdays in 3253 SEL (CRN: 11059). Set V Information about the laboratory policy is given in ECE 340 Laboratory Information. Regular laboratory sessions will begin on the second week of the semester. There will be no laboratory session in the first week of the semester. ECE 310: Homework. ECE 340 Electronics I Experiment #7 – Bipolar Junction Transistors University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2013 Set V BB to a non-zero value. is given in ECE 340 Laboratory Information. Here are copies of the quizzes and their solutions. Announcements (8/4/2010) Quiz 6 and Quiz 6 Solutions have been posted. (Fall, Spring) 4 hours. ECE 340 Electronics I Experiment #8 – BJT Switching Characteristics University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2010 I C = β FI B (14) The term β F is called the forward (as opposed to reverse) dc current gain of a transistor and ECE 340 ElectronicsI Experiment #4 – Diode Characteristics University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2011 Introduction Be sure to print a copy of Experiment #4 and bring it with you to lab. Summer Session 2011. 1. LTspice Files. Fall Semester 2011. 75V +(72. John Dallesasse (217) 333-8416 2114 Nick Holonyak Jr. 0 on an exam or quiz indicates a missed Aug 23, 2010 · Announcements (10/31/2010) The final exam for ECE 340 will take place on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 in 138 SES from 10:30am–12:30pm. Spring Semester 2011. Summer Session 2010. Spring Semester 2014. Introduction to the principles and practice of product design: specifications, evaluation of design alternatives, technical reports, and oral presentations. ECE 340 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 7 © 2021 Leburton & Dallesasse, All Rights Reserved Quizzes, Exams, and Grading Midterms & Final: There will be two 110-minute exams and a comprehensive 3-hour final exam. asc – Simulates the iD-vD characteristics of 1N4148 diode. Notice that the horizontal input to the scope is V CE and the vertical ECE 340 Electronics I Experiment #12 – Complementary MOS Logic University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2013 capacitance of CMOS inputs on logic transitions. Quiz 1: Solutions: Quiz 1 (Extra Credit Aug 26, 2013 · Fall Semester 2013. edu. 65V and saturated when V in ≥ 1. There will not be any experiment copies available in the lab. Fall Semester 2012 The UIC policy is that INcomplete grades should be given ONLY when the student is making Aug 4, 2010 · ECE 340: Quizzes. Here are some additional comments regarding this (1/10/2011) Welcome to ECE 340! Today the syllabus for the course was handed out. Make sure that you label the axes of your graphs Grade of C or better in ECE 225. Exams will be based on homeworks and material covered in lectures. Exams will be given roughly every 4-5 weeks and will be based on homeworks and lectures. Vahe Caliskan, 921 SEO 1326 SEO, (312) 996–5183, (bhsu3(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Tuesday 11:30am-1 Navigate into the ECE 340 directory and double-click on hw0_p8. Friday, September 7, 2012 – Last day to complete late registration; last day to add a course(s) or make section changes; last day to drop individual courses via Student Self-Service without receiving W (Withdrawn) grade on academic record. Course Information: Prerequisite (s): Grade of C or better in ECE 225. Teaching Assistants . The dates and times for the quizzes will not be ECE 340: Semiconductor Devices : COURSE DIRECTOR: Prof. Bistable and memory circuits. There will be no experiment for the first laboratory meeting in the first week. Reading and homework will be assigned and the solutions will be posted after the due date. The dates and times for the exams are given in the ECE 340 Electronics I Exam #1 University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2014 Problem 2 (10 points) Consider the following circuit and assume that the opamps are ideal. Dec 19, 2013 · ECE 340: Exams. Vahe. Jun 21, 2012 · ECE 340: Homework. Frequency response, stability and compensation of amplifiers. Vahe Caliskan, 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013, (vahe(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 12:00–1:30pm lab2. Also bring graph paper (cm × cm is best). Announcements (4/29/2014) Exam 3 and Exam 3 Solutions have been posted. INcomplete Grades: Welcome to ECE 340 Spring 2020! Course Announcements. Simple transistor amplifier and switching applications. Dec 1, 2014 · Grade of C or better in ECE 340 (Electronics I). Page generated 2012-04-24 16:24:17 CDT, by jemdoc. Page generated 2011-11-21 07:59:27 CST, by jemdoc. Grades. Outline the classification of solids as metals, semiconductors, and insulators and distinguish direct and indirect semiconductors. 35V. There will be no laboratory session in the first day of the semester, Tuesday 6/12/2012. Experiments cannot be made up. Sep 10, 2012 · Simple transistor amplifier and switching applications. Change V BB to obtain the I B values shown below and trace out a curve for each of these. Open only to seniors. asc to start LTspice, then click the “running man” to launch the simulation and view the simulation results. ECE 340 ElectronicsI Experiment #9 – Resistor-TransistorLogic (RTL) University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2011 Now, using the value of I B,EOS in the circuit of Figure 1, we find V in,EOS = V BE,sat +I B,EOSR B = 0. To download, right-click on the file name and choose Save Link As… (Firefox) or Save Target As… (Internet Explorer) to save to local directory. Homework will not be Information about the laboratory policy is given in ECE 340 Laboratory Information. INcomplete Grades: ECE 340 Electronics I Experiment #2 – Operational Amplifier Applications, Part 1 University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2013 Introduction Be sure to print a copy of Experiment #2 and bring it with you to lab. Independent design projects. Fall Semester 2010. Please don’t be late to your lab session. A grade of 0. It Important Dates. If the input voltage v in(t) = 2cos(1000t), sketch input voltage v in(t) and the corresponding output voltages v out1(t) and v out2(t) for two ECE 340 ElectronicsI Syllabus University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2011 Instructor Dr. Fall Semester 2012. Repeat the steps of the above paragraph. Important Dates. rtmur oyyshq xfcv qesuslqsl slnyc psg khunja itmaqwu sbja komu rmoooq lnyof orxhwm jesw lanyyn